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Trapped in the friendzone

 In the quiet glow of his phone screen, Revo found himself hesitating once more. The message was simple, just three words that he had typed and deleted countless times: "I love you." But those words carried the weight of years of friendship with Teresa, a bond he treasured above all else.

Revo and Teresa had met in college, two strangers who quickly became inseparable. They studied together, laughed together, and supported each other through every triumph and setback. Over time, Revo's feelings for Teresa had deepened into something more, but he feared that confessing his love might shatter the comfortable camaraderie they shared.

Each time he resolved to tell her, his courage faltered, leaving him trapped in a cycle of longing and fear. He worried that Teresa might not feel the same way, that she might pull away, or worse, that he might lose her friendship altogether.

One evening, as they shared a quiet moment watching the city lights from their favorite park bench, Revo decided it was now or never. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest, and began to type the message that could change everything.

But as his thumb hovered over the send button, he hesitated. The risk of losing Teresa was too great; he couldn't bear the thought of it. So, he saved the message as a draft, a silent confession locked away in his phone.

The story of Revo and Teresa is a tale of love unspoken, a reminder of the delicate balance between the heart's desires and the fear of losing what we hold dear. It's a story that unfolds in the quiet moments of bravery and vulnerability, where the greatest risk is not in loving, but in never having the courage to express it.



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